
Monday, May 6, 2013

Today's Blog Post: Growth Plan

Having just celebrated my 43rd birthday (May 4), I have only this to share, you are never too old to grow up. As long as you are walking the face of the earth, God has a plan for you. I know this to be true. It always happens that once I have reached my development in one area or stage, new growing pains begin to kick in and a new area is revealed where growth and development and transformation is to take place. Over the past year this has included me returning to school; something I vowed never to do. I don't like school, never have. But, over the past year or more God made it impossible to ignore the growing pain/nudge and now I am about to enter my third term at Duke Divinity. The growing pains continue.

This period in my life is both exciting and nerve-wrecking. I get excited because, as I am reminded, preparation always precedes promotion. The preparation process always includes deep self-reflection, the extracting or the adding-on of people, places and things, the battles within the mind (tricks of the adversary), having new perspectives, desires, new passions are uncovered, etc. I also begin to lean harder on the word - Jeremiah 29:11 will kick in and, so will Proverbs 3:5-6, as well as Matthews 6:33. Words of encouragement I get from people as well as the opening of doors to new opportunity, the closing of other doors and new access, also become evident during this preparation period.

So, what about you? Do you see an area of growth sprouting up in your life? What does it look like? What are you learning about yourself, about your future, about your relationship or lack there of with God within the new growth? You do realize that the good, bad and ugly that is your life, is actually part of the plan for your growth. It is all there to agitate us, sift us, strengthen us, empower us, educate us, liberate us, inspire us and motivate us to lean forward in faith and press forth into our next. 

We are never to be at a place where we feel we have reached “that” level and now we can chill; not if God blesses you with another day of living. You should always find another thing to appreciate, to conquer, to accomplish, to value, to give, to assist in, to just do in life. Tomorrow is not promised…it is truly a blessing to be alive, with relative good health, abilities of limbs, in our right mind, with family, friends, resources, etc. So, don’t take it for granted.

Look at where you are and ask God why? What am I to be learning at this stage of my life? What is it you want me to do above and beyond just going to work, providing for my family and living for myself? If I am not living out my divine purpose, reveal it to me. If I have gotten off course, nudge me back on track. 

With each new day, we gain an opportunity to draw closer to God, however, we also loose a day in our life span. Yes, God can do much with little. We just don't want to miss the opportunity to be fully used by him. Be sensitive to the signs and don't delay to act. In action we show our obedience to God and our readiness to grow.

Today, I stop and give thanks to God for allowing me to see another year. I also, pause to hear from Him and get a clearer understanding of what my next Growth Plan is to be. It is time to be intentional about the future and not just continue living day-by-day. That is such a waste and leaves no lasting impact or legacy for anyone. Each of us has a special assignment that can only be fulfilled by us. Our call, the look/feel of it is unique to our backstory, personality and purpose-filled passion. Lives are attached to our call...lets be intentional in walking out what God has placed in us. 

I am committed to seek God and am getting excited to hear from Him. #joinme

Walk in faith. Live in love.

Portions originally written on May 4, 2011.

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