
Saturday, June 8, 2013

What Vitamin Cs Are You Taking?

As most of us do this, we tend to check the clock and see if life's time is in compliment or conflict with our personal time. Or worse, we compare it to someone else's time and try to compete. Well, the devil is a liar. We all have our own race to run. Your race and my race are totally different. I celebrate how far you have come, what you have accomplished, obtained, received, and taken on. God bless you. However, God's words and plan for my life are separate and selective for me, and will not mirror yours, as yours should not mirror mine. Even if it's God's plan for our roads to cross for His purpose and our good, the steps leading up to the cross over are specially made for our respective feet to fit in.

What I have noticed over the past few years is how much time/energy folks spend on chasing, competing and comparing rather than concentrating, complimenting and cutting out.

They are chasing their neighbor to either catch up or stay ahead of, in their unofficial, one-sided race for professional and/or personal gain and attention, i.e. "They did this and got this, so let me do this too", even if its not part of God's plan for them at the time or ever. They are competing with coworkers, colleagues, family members or friends for position, visibility, opportunity or status. Not everyone is purposed to have center stage status. And, center stage status doesn't equal success nor is the opposite true as well. We all have a stage to stand on. They are comparing their life accomplishments or "lack" to their neighbors which fuels the competing chase. Be careful what you believe you want. 
Why not concentrate on what, where, why, how and when God opens doors of opportunity and speaks direction and decisions specially fitted for your journey and purpose?

Your focus or lack of focus on what is in front of you impacts more than just you. Why not look to compliment on your journey (expertise, passion or purpose) with another? Again, you are connected to a greater purpose that impacts others. Why not take your specialized self and cut out a niche where your full purpose can impact, influence and inspire? This might mean leaving the land of familiar and comfort. Lastly, why not take the personal clock you have set and crush it? God's timing is perfect....there is no rush for him, so there shouldn't be for us. He restores time where needed and adds missed moments where beneficial. 
As folks say, "life is not a sprint, but a marathon". However, society has influenced us to believe we must have all things now and do it now or we are not successful and will not be respected or accepted. Again, the devil is a liar.

My life will not look like yours. And, I am okay with that. I have a calling and purpose that I was designed to fulfill. I seek to walk out my path proudly....at 43, what society and folks say I should have or where I should be in life, isn't what matters. What I have finally come to embrace is what God has told me in his word and through the Holy Spirit, that in due season, I shall reap, if I faint not (Galatians 6:9). His word activates my faith. And, it should activate yours. Focus on your path and allow God to influence your next step. 

Walk in faith. Live in love.

Post was inspired by @RickWarren "Daily Hope" titled, "Faith is God's Word Activated" 

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