
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Latest Blog: Worshipping God Through Giving

Folks use to joke me for the amount of time I use to spend at church in Baltimore and recently I have received comments on how much time I seem to dedicate to my church here in Charlotte. I enjoy the time I spend around like-minded folks and just feel good giving back by way of my time, talent and treasures. My personal and professional life are a priority for sure. However, I know God has that under control….all my desires, wants and needs only God can/will bring to pass….in due season. So, in the meantime, I turn my attention to serving Him in different ways, inside/outside the church.
In giving of my time (service in ministry at church), treasure (a tenth of my pay to church) and talent (expertise to church), I have allowed room in my life for God to fill my life with an abundant overflow of blessings. They may not be what I desire all the time or even what others deem much, but they are definitely what I need and always right on time.
We are a blessed people, if you don’t think so go visit your local shelter or watch the news and CNN and see the devastation throughout the world. We ARE a blessed people. And, with that we must worship God not just with songs of praise but with giving back to God. Our acts of service and giving are also a form of praise and thanksgiving to God (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). I encourage you to try it, you will not regret it.

Now, you may go to church and that is great but, are you actively involved? Do you tithe along with giving an offering? Do you offer your skills/talents for a special project in an area that the church may be in need? 
For me being able to not just survive, but thrive these nine years on my own…with no other income…let me say that again…NO OTHER income…has been possible because I have given God my time, talent and treasure. Not always easy, but always necessary. Now (transparent moment), in the beginning I felt that my time and talent was strictly to go to my company. My thinking was, it needed to in order for me to have the tithe to give back to God. With that thinking (fear) came times when my company suffered financially. But, when those moments of fear were replaced by faith and I gave my time, talent and treasure with intentionality and cheerfully, God provided and still provides. God has shown He is Jehovah Jireh either thru a client finally paying me, an old client returning, a new client coming on board, a friend saying that God placed me on their heart to give some money or to pray for you, a supportive parent stepped in, an undiscovered resource (a ram in the bush). I want for nothing. 

Now, don’t get it twisted, this continues to be a faith walk. As I give my time, talent and treasure, I stand aside and place my trust in God to provide an overflow. My saucer is ready to handle what the cup can’t hold...however it comes! (Malachi 3:10) 

Walk in faith. Live in love. #joinme

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