
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Today's MoMoments: Patience and Faith

Lately, I have been in a season of retreat, reflection and reposition. I don't know if it's due to the holiday season, the ending of another year, a remembrance of how I started off the year, my own personal and professional hang ups, or ALL the above. 

What I do know is my spirit has paused and is processing. My tolerance, once stretched is now strained. My acceptance of any and everything has exited. In addition, my desires are increasing and my purpose is becoming more passion-driven. 

Last night a dear mentor of mine asked me how well have I married my patience with my faith? And I said wow! I had no other reply. They went on to quote James 1:4, "But let patience have HER perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (KJV) 

They then said, with patience taking on the feminine role and faith the masculine role there needs to be a marriage of the two if this faith walk is to be fully experienced. They must be properly and proportionately married in order for there to be no lack. That stuck with me all last night and this morning. And, while writing out my thoughts, an a-ha moment or "MoMoment" if you will occurred. The lack presently in my life is in my faith to believe that what God said will be, will be. The other lack in my life is the patience to allow the time needed to take place in order for God's promises to come to pass. 

This morning, after reading @JoelOsteen's devotional, "What are you considering?". Osteen spoke about Abraham and how, although the promise God gave him may have appeared impossible due to his age, he didn't focus on his current reality, but rather on a God that can do all things. That's when the truth became clear. My patience and faith is not equally yoked. They are in a state of conflict rather than compliment. They are causing confusion instead of clarity. They are making me feel unease instead of contentment, calm, confidence and certainty. 

Another mentor/spiritual mother asked me where is home? Meaning, where do I find peace, solace, joy, comfort, etc. I couldn't answer her. Knowing what she was asking me is part of what I've been retreating to find. Then she said, Jeremiah 29:11 is real. What I got from that is that I can find my home there, my contentment there, my peace there, my companion there, my joy there, my faith there.

So, whatever created the lack in my patience and faith is not important. For now I see them both with a new perspective and purpose. And I stand strong in saying that the desires of my heart both personally and professionally will be perfect and complete, in God's ordained time. 

As for right now, I lack nothing because my patience and my faith have been rightly joined together. Let nothing come between them. Amen. 


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